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Pancatantra :: Visnusarma
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The text used for this edition comes from the following : (ed.) Ramchandra Jha. Vidyabhavan Sanskrit Grantha Mala, 17. Sixth edition. (Varanasi : Chowkhamba Vidyabhavan, 1991).
There are considerable differences in various editions of the Panchatantra. I have also consulted (ed.) M.R. Kale. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, reprint. 1991 (original 1911), but there are a number of stories and verses unique to each. Eventually, a revised version based on Kosambi's 1949 critical edition should be prepared. Electronic text entered by Jan Brzezinski, 2003. This text is available freely, but we request all users to please acknowledge Gaudiya Grantha Mandir as its source. (2003-10-31) 35 more mistakes detected by Ulrich Stiehl and entered. Thank you, Ulrich. (2003-11-05) Source texts
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Text version: 1.51 (legend) Keywords: Vishnu, Sharma, Panchatantra, Visnusarma, Pancatantra, fables Further notes
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Second update. · Posted by Jagat on November 6th 2003 - 22:54 +0100
Ulrich sent in some more corrections. A thorough proofread is yet to be done, therefore this is still version 1.51.
Update · Posted by Jagat on November 2nd 2003 - 20:50 +0100
Some corrections made. 1.01 version uploaded 2003-11-02.