Gaudiya Grantha Mandira - A Sanskrit Text Repository
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Support the project

Jagadanada Das, co-founder of Gaudiya Grantha Mandir Employees of Gaudiya Grantha Mandir digitalizing rare scriptures
Please consider helping the Gaudiya Grantha Mandira with a donation or with your work.

Our accomplishments

  • over 500,000 downloads
  • 570 works digitalized, many of them are rare works which are only on Grantha Mandir
  • 1200 registered members
  • since 2001 one of the first online libraries of Sanskrit texts

We need funds for:

  • Sanskrit editors to improve the quality of the texts and save more works
  • Typists to scan and digitalize more manuscripts
  • Software developers to improve this website, offering advanced search and research functions
  • Software licenses and computers

Donate for preservation of the scriptures

Donate using Paypal.

You can deduct taxes in India, USA, and EU by supporting us to preserve the scriptures. If you wish to issue a cheque or make a bank transfer please contact us.

Thank you!