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Laghu-gopala-champu-bhasha :: Krsna Kavi

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This small poem in Vrajabhasha was published along with another, somewhat longer poem by the same author, Gauranga-nama-campu, by Kusumasarovarwalla Krishnadasji. The publication has no date. It has the honor of being the GGM's first Vrajabhasha work. There will be more.

Krishna Kavi was the direct disciple of Jiva Goswami who is mentioned in his will (See Antima-sankalpa-patra). I have in my possession the photocopy of an incomplete Sanskrit work in manuscript form (VRI 1556, 1580) attributed to Sri Jiva Prabhu called the Laghu-gopala-champu. I suspect that this work is also that of Krishna Kavi. The Vraja version, however, is not a translation of this text, but rather a brief summary of the ashta-kaliya lila in Goloka according to Sri Jiva's conception as described in GC 1.1-2 and in the Sankalpa-kalpa-druma.

Krishna Kavi (or Krishnadas) is also the probable author or assistant author in some other of Sri Jiva's works, like Rasamrita-sesha.

Jagat (2005-10-08)
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Original written in: Unknown
Entry added: October 8th 2005
Entry updated: October 22nd 2007
Views: 2164
Downloads: 302
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Added by: Jagat
Text version: 1.00 (legend)
Keywords: Vrajabhasha, Krishna, Kavi, Gopala, Champu, asta-kaliya-lila
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