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Gopala-tapani Upanisad (Uttara) | Commentary by Bhagiratha Jha
Gopāla-tāpanī Upaniṣad here Bhagiratha Jha was a scholar of the Nimbarka sampradaya. This is by far the most exhaustive commentary on the Gopala Tapani, giving extensive insight into the Vedantic and Upanishadic background of the text. The author quotes many Vedanta commentaries. This commentary, known as Vedanta-tattva-samiksha, has a lengthy refutation of parakiya-vada, an extensive analysis of Yogamaya, vyakhyas of the Kama-gayatri and the Kama-mala mantra, etc, etc. Jagat 2005-07-05. Source texts
Text used: (ed) Vihari Dasji Tyagi. Vrindavan : Gautama Rishi Ashram, 1949.
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Jagat Text version: 1.01 (legend) Keywords: Vedanta-tattva-samiksha, Bhagiratha, Jha, Maithili, Gopala, Tapani, Tapini, Tapaniya, Upanishad, Upanisad, Uttara, Nimbarka Further notes
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