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This electronic edition of the RAdhopaniSad is based on the following printed edition:
Unpublished Upanishads. Edited by the pandits of the Adyar Library under the supervision of Dr. C. Kunhan Raja. Adyar Library Series vol. 14. 1933. The text is the same as that of the PuruSa-bodhinI-zruti available at GGM, although there are frequent variations. The two texts should be compared when studied. Text in [ ... ] indicates something supplied by the editor (or so I assume; it is nowhere explained). Text in {* ... *} (i.e. half of the second prapAThaka and half of the fourth prapAThaka) is marked by the editor of the printed edition and supplied with the following explanation: kuNDala-dvayAntargato bhAgo vyAkhyAnavat bhAti, "The part between the pair of brackets looks like a commentary." Contributed by Toke Lindegaard Knudsen. (2004-09-22) Source texts
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Text version: 1.00 (legend) Keywords: Radha, Upanishad, Purusa, Bodhani, Sruti, Bodhini, Upanisad Further notes
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