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Bhagavata Purana :: Canto 10 :: Ten Commentaries (Part 10) :: Sruti Stuti :: | Ch 87 Śruti-stuti
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Chapter 87 of the 10th canto of Śrīmad Bhāgavata Purāṇa. This chapter is the most philosophical part of the Bhāgavata. Here, the personified Vedas offer prayers to Śrī Mahāviṣṇu in which they give a summary of the Upaniṣads. Therefore, this is an opportunity for commentators to show their scholarship and elaborately identify which parts of the śrutis are speaking which verse. Currently included are the commentaries of Śrīdhāra, Vaṁśidhara, Śrīnātha (Caitanya-mata-mañjuṣā), Sanātana Gosvāmī, Jīva Gosvāmī, Viśvanātha, and Prabodhānanda Source texts
Bhagavata Vidya Pith edition: (ed.) Bhagavata Rishi and Krishna Shankar Shastri (Sola Karnavati, 2052 saM=1996).
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Added by: Vilasa Dasa
Credits: Jagadananda Dasa, Sacinandana Dasa, Vraja Mohana Dasa Text version: 0.7 (legend) Keywords: sruti-stuti, shrimad, bhagavatam, bhagavata, purana Further notes
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