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Bhagavata Purana :: Canto 04 :: Five commentaries | Canto 4
Download Bhāgavata Purāṇa Canto 4
The full 31 chapters of Canto Four. Some portions of Srinath Chakravarti's comments have been added, otherwise the four commentaries of Madhva, Sridhar, Jiva Goswami and Vishwanath Chakravarti are all included. Source texts
1. Śrīdhara Svāmin: Bhāgavata-bhāvārtha-dīpikā. (ed. Ramateja Pandeya, Benares: Chowkhamba, 1996). Text entered by Durmada Das and Jagat.
2. Jīva Gosvāmin: Krama-sandarbha (ed. Puridasa Mahasaya, Vrindavan, 1952) Text entered by Rasavarshi Das and Jagat. 3. Viśvanātha Cakravartī Thakkura: Sārārtha-darśinī (ed. Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha, Calcutta : Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, 1995) Entered by Jagat. 4. Madhva Anandatirtha: Bhāgavata-tātparya. As for Viśvanātha. 5. Some portions of Caitanya-mata-mañjuṣā by Śrīnātha Cakravartī have been added, but it is incomplete. What is there was taken from Puridas's 1954 edition.
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Jagat Text version: 1.03 (legend) Keywords: Sridhara, Svamin, Bhagavata-bhavartha-dipika, Jiva, Gosvamin, Goswami, Krama-sandarbha, Visvanatha, Cakravarti, Thakura, Sarartha-darsini, Madhva, Anandatirtha, Bhagavata-tatparya, Srimad-bhagavatam, Bhagavata-purana. Further notes
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