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Nikunja-rahasya-stava :: Prabodhananda Sarasvati
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This work is generally attributed to Rupa, though it is not found in any of the old lists of his works. Stylistically, it resembles the work of Prabodhananda. After seeing Prema-vilasa-stotra by Prabodhananda Saraswati, however, I have been confirmed that this is his work with a different name.
Which of the two versions, which differ in the order of the verses and in some of the readings, is the original and what accounts for the differences, is something that will require analysis. Source texts
Please see http://granthamandira.net/index.php?show=entry&e_no=748
This version is taken from The text here has been taken from Stava-kalpa-druma, (ed.) Bhakti Saranga Goswami, Vrindavan, 1956. The two texts have been compared in this document and alternative readings given. The order of the verses is different in both.
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Jagat Text version: 2.00 (legend) Keywords: Nikunja, Rahasya, Stava, Prabodhananda, Sarasvati, Rupa, Gosvamin, Goswami, Saraswati, Prema, Vilasa, Stotra Further notes
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