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Sarva-siddhanta-sangraha :: Sankara
This book is ascribed to Shankaracharya, but is clearly not the Adi Shankara's work. It contains 15 chapters, on Lokayatika, Arhata, Bauddha (including four subgroups), Nyaya, Prabhakara, Vaisesika, Bhatta-mata, Sankhya, Yoga, Veda-vyasa-mata, and Vedanta.
The RTF file is in Devanagari font, using Sanskrit 2003, an ITRANS font. Source texts
Edition used: (ed) Prem Sundar Bose. Calcutta, 1929.
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Credits: Jagat Text version: 1.00 (legend) Keywords: Lokayatika, Arhata, Bauddha, Nyaya, Prabhakara, Vaisesika, Bhatta-mata, Sankhya, Yoga, Veda-vyasa-mata, Vedanta Further notes
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