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Agama-sara :: Yugala Dasa

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This text is taken from Paritosh Das (ed.) Caitanyottara prathama cari-ti sahajiya punthi (Kalikata: Bharati Book Stall, 1972), pages 17-44. It is based on a single manuscript found in the Calcutta University Library, which is dated 1075 Bengali (= 1668 AD). The three other texts in this series all appear to be translations of Sanskrit works by Mukunda Das, but though this text is named with those others in Nigudha-prakasavali as being one of the original texts of the Sahajiya school, makes no reference to any original Sanskrit work.

This text follows the familiar Agama format of a conversation between Shiva and Parvati. The principal subjects are: (1) the oneness of Radha and Krishna, (2) the supremacy of Krishna worship, (3) Krishna's incarnations in different yugas, (4) Radha's birth and the false imputation of parakiya-ness, (5) the reasons for Krishna's descent as Chaitanya.

The influence of Brahma-vaivarta Purana is evident in (4) and the Chaitanya-charitamrita elsewhere. Nothing specifically Sahajiya can be recognized in this book, but since it is refered to favorably in the fourth book of this series (Amrita-rasavali), it is clearly a work of this school. (Jagat 2006-02-17)

If you find any mistakes or variant readings, we humbly request you to please either notify us directly or post in the GGM forum. If you are working closely on this or any other text, please send us your edited version. Thank you, The Editors.

Source texts
Original written in: Unknown
Entry added: February 17th 2006
Entry updated: May 13th 2016
Views: 2701
Downloads: 319
Other details
Added by: Jagat
Text version: 1.67 (legend)
Keywords: Agama-sara, Agama-grantha, Yugaladasa, Jugal, Das, Sahajiya, Bengali
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