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Karttika-mahatmya :: Padma Purana
This is the section of Uttara-khanda known as Karttika-mahatmya (chapters 88-124). There are considerable differences between the text found here and the evidence of Haribhaktivilasa 16, in which there are many quotes purported to be from this purana. It is possible that the Karttika-mahatmya of the Skanda Purana and this one have become mixed up. That will eventually be made clear by a comparative reading of the two texts.
This edition is based on the electronic version of Vedic Engineer and Cosmic Software (2001), which was converted to the Balaram font, and edited for mistakes and clarity. Chapter numbers have been left as in the original rather than renumbering for this section. (Jagat 2005-10-17) Source texts
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Text version: 1.00 (legend) Keywords: urja-vrata, niyama-seva, karttika, padma, purana, skanda, purana Further notes
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