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Alankara-kaustubha - 1 - Kavya-samagri :: Kavi Karnapura
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This file includes the commentary of Lokanath Chakravarti, about whom nothing further is known at present. Shivaprasad Bhattacharya gives variant readings and extensive and very helpful notes in Sanskrit, which have not bee included in this file, but will be added in future editions.
(2004-03-04) The source of this text is the edition of Dr. Ravi Sankar Nagar published by Parimal Publications in 1993. It also contains variant readings and various notes by Shivprasad Bhattacharya that are not included in this updated file. The text was transcribed by Robert Gafrik. (2016-12-20) Source texts
The source of this text is the edition of Dr. Ravi Sankar Nagar published by Parimal Publications in 1993. This is actually a reprint of the 1923 Shivprasad Bhattacharya edition, a fact ignored in the Parimal edition, something that I find highly objectionable. (JKB)
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: The text was transcribed and contributed by Robert Gafrik. Text version: 1.01 (legend) Keywords: Alankara-kaustubha, kavya-samagri, Kavi, Karnapura, Lokanath, Lokanatha, Chakravarti, Cakravartin Further notes
Updated 2016--12-20
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