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Sahitya-darpanam :: Visvanatha Kaviraja

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At long last, the complete version of Sahitya Darpana of Vishwanath Kaviraj is being uploaded to the Gaudiya Grantha Mandira. For the most part, this text has been proofread through comparison with the Bhakti-rasamrita-sesa. A comparitive look at that book sometimes proves helpful in getting an understanding of this one.

The text used in preparing this edition was (ed.) Satyavrat Singh. Vidyabhawan Sanskrit Granthamala 29, Varanasi : Chowkhamba Vidyabhawan. 9th edition, 1992. I have added references (which are not in this edition) where they could be easily found.

Jan Brzezinski. 2004-02-18
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Original written in: Unknown
Entry added: February 18th 2004
Entry updated: February 18th 2004
Views: 3686
Downloads: 1063
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Added by: Jagat
Text version: 1.01 (legend)
Keywords: Sahitya, darpanam, alankara, natya, literary, theory, visvanatha, kaviraja
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Vishwanath Kaviraj · Posted by Jagat on February 23rd 2004 - 23:51 +0100
Vishwanath Kaviraj lived in Orissa in the 14th century, a member of a noble family that held ministerial positions in the empire of the Ganga dynasty.

According to S.K.De, "Though not a work of much originality, the Sahitya Darpana gives in ten chapters a comprehensive treatment of all topics of poetics, including dramaturgy... The treatment of dramaturgy is based mostly on Dasarupaka."

It may be stated that the treatment of alankaras is heavily indebted to the Kavya-prakasa.

Sahitya Darpana was nevertheless fairly popular in Bengal, as attested by the numberous editions printed there as well as commentaries written by Bengalis. Many of the Gaudiya authors refer to SahD in a positive or negative manner. In particular, Jiva's treatment of the parakiya nayika cites Vishwanath Kaviraj, inviting Vishwanath Chakravarti to reject his authority.

Jiva wrote Bhakti-rasamrita-sesha (q.v.) on the basis of Sahitya Darpana.