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Rasarnava-sudhakara-karika :: Simhabhupala

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The Rasarnava-sudhakara of Simhabhupala. Critically edited with introduction and notes by T. Venkatacharya. Madras: Adyar Library and Research Centre, 1979.

This contains only the karikas. A separate edition with examples will be offered soon. (Jan Brzezinski, 2003-09-08)
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Original written in: Unknown
Entry added: September 8th 2003
Entry updated: September 8th 2003
Views: 3768
Downloads: 967
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Added by: Jagat
Text version: 1.10 (legend)
Keywords: Rasarnava-sudhakara, Simhabhupala, Rasa-sudhakara, Singha, Bhupala, Simha
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Upgrade · Posted by Jagat on October 3rd 2003 - 16:34 +0200
NOTE: A few karikas were missing in the previously posted version (3.143-160). These have been added.
From Neal Delmonico's doctoral dissertation · Posted by Jagat on September 11th 2003 - 02:44 +0200
Here is the following interesting quote from Neal Delmonico's PhD dissertation:

I have mentioned several times previously how deeply impressed Rupa was by the Rasarnava-sudhakara of Simhabhupala. This may have been because there was a relationship between Rupa's family and the court of Simhabhupala, who ruled in western Andhra in the last part of the 14th century. To be more specific, some evidence suggests that Simhabhupala's court poet, Visvesvara Kaviraja, author of the Camatkara-candrika and perhaps also, as some have claimed, of the Rasarnava-sudhakara, was a direct ancestor of Rupa's.

The evidence is based in part on a family genealogy included at the end of the Laghu-vaisnava-tosani, a commentary on the tenth canto of the Bhagavata-purana, wirtten by Rupa's nephew Jiva Gosvamin. The earliest ancestor mentioned in that account is someone called Sarvajna Jagadguru, who is described as the king of Karnata. Here is the verse: "Sarvajna Jagadguru, who was the chief of the Bharadvajas on earth, ruled as a king in the land of Karnata, his feet frequented by an assembly of kings His tongue, flowing with nectar, a shelter for arrangements of words of surpassing charm, danced repeatedly, like a bee, around the wish-fulfilling vine of the three Vedas."
Interest of this text for Gaudiya Vaishnavas · Posted by Jagat on September 8th 2003 - 20:16 +0200
Rupa Goswami was obviously trained in natya-shastra through this work, which may well have been brought by the family from Karnataka to Bengal. Many of the karikas in Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, Ujjvala-nilamani, and Nataka-candrika have been borrowed or adapted from Rasarnava-sudhakara. By comparing examples, one can get a deeper understanding of the various categories. By comparing the karikas, one can get a deeper appreciation of Rupa's originality.

Sinmha Bhupala lived and ruled in northwestern Andhra Pradesa at the end of the 14th century.