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Bhavartha-dipika :: Canto 01 :: Sridhara Svamin
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The following text is a transcription of Sri Pandita Ramateja Pandeya's edition of Bhavarthadipika published by Caukhamba Samskrita Pratisthana in Vraja-jivana Pracya-bharati Grantha-mala series (28), reprinted in 1987. Alternative readings in the footnotes are almost entirely only those given by the Pandita. I haven't included his other notes on the text of the Bhagavata and of the tika. Needs proofreading. Transcribed by Robert Gafrik.
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Added by: Markus
Credits: Text version: 1.00 (legend) Keywords: Srimad, Bhagavatam, Bhagavata, Purana, Bhavarthadipika, Sridhara, Svamin Further notes
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