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Krishna-bhakti-ratna-prakasa :: Raghava Pandit Gosvamin
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This book is divided into six sections. Sir-krishna-bhajanoddesa. The mangalacharan is taken from Krama-dipika. This chapter establishes the exclusivity of Krishna bhajan. Nanopasana-varjanam. Krishna-purnatamatva-nirupanam. Vrindavane nitya prakasa. Sri Nandakisora svarupa Bhakti-viracana. Source texts
Haridas Shastri's undated version, ca. 1980.
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Text version: 1.00 (legend) Keywords: Krishna-bhakti-ratna-prakasa, Raghava, Pandit, Gosvamin Further notes
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Raghava Pandit Goswami · Posted by Jagat on April 13th 2006 - 14:39 +0200
Not to be confused with the Raghava Pandit who played a direct role in Chaitanya Lila, living in Panihati. This Raghava Pandit was a south Indian brahmin who came to live in a gupha in Puchari, a site which was later made famous through being used by other sadhakas like Ramakrishna Pandit Baba. Raghava Pandit is particularly notably mentioned in the 5th taranga of Bhakti-ratnakara for taking Srinivasa Acharya and Narottam Das around Braja for parikrama. There he is said to have been a good friend of Raghunath Das Goswami. He is mentioned in Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (162), where his authorship of Bhakti-ratna-prakasa is also mentioned. He is identified as Champakalata in the Vraja lila.