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Bhagavata Purana :: Canto 02 :: Five commentaries | Canto 2

Bhagavata Purana :: Canto 02 :: Five commentaries ·   Canto 2
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This edition is being called 1.0. Nevertheless, since the Bhavartha-dipika and Krama-sandarbha were already available to us in electronic editions, some editing was done on these, so a large number of mistakes have been found and corrected. Critical editing of the Bhagavata text has also been begun, but this work needs to be done scientifically. I am not aware of any critical editions being done with manuscripts from all over India, but this would no doubt be a very useful exercise, as the history of the Bhagavata’s birth and travels over India are still something of a mystery.

This edition was used to help establish the Bhagavata text itself. There have been some formatting problems due to Microsoft Word’s handy complex scripts function, which I seem to be unable to disable. Hopefully, most of the complexities have been unraveled. (Jan Brzezinski 2006-02-10)

If you find any mistakes or variant readings, we humbly request you to please either notify us directly. If you are working closely on this or any other text, please send us your edited version. Thank you, The Editors.
Source texts
Chaitanya-mata-manjusa has been added for the 2.00 version.

Vaṁśidhara for version 2.1

Sources:rnBhagavata-tatparya. Anandatirtha Madhvacarya.rnTranscription by Jan Brzezinski. Taken from Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha’s edition (Calcutta : Chaitanya Vani Press, 1995).

Bhavartha-dipika. Sridhara Svami.rnTranscribed by Jan Klapis and proofread by Robert Gafrik from Sri Pandita Ramateja Pandeya's edition published by Caukhamba Samskrita Pratishthana in Vraja-jivana Pracya-bharati Grantha-mala series (28), reprinted in 1987. Gafrik and Klapis included all the pandit’s notes, even those refering to other commentaries, but some of them have been removed where they refer to other commentaries included in this edition, or where they give a source reference. This is one of the sources for the reading of the Bhagavata text itself.

Krama-sandarbha. Sri Jiva Gosvami.rnThe authoritative source document here is Puridas’s 1952 edition (Vrindavan Das : Haridas Sharma). Primary transcription—where Shat-sandarbha text was available on the Gaudiya Grantha Mandira, it was used after comparison and correction. Most, though not all, cross-references have been given. Another transcription by Durmada Das was made available, which was also compared and corrected. I don’t know which Durmada Das used, but it does not seem to fit in clearly to the sources used in Puridas. Some footnotes refer to these alternate readings, but this has not been done thoroughly. I have used the same references given by Puridas.
(ka) MS 516 in the Baranagar Gauranga Grantha Mandir.
(kha) MS 137 in the Bangiya Sahitya Parishad Library.
(ga) MS IIIC100 in the Asiatic Society Library, dated 1714.
(gha) Another MS in Bengali script. No further information.
(na) Ramanarayan Vidyaratna’s edition (Murshidabad, 1892).
Unfortunately, as is the case with all Puridas’s editions, there is no discussion of the critical process used.

Sarartha-darsini of Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura.rnTaken from Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha’s edition (Calcutta : Chaitanya Vani Press, 1995). Transcription by Jan Brzezinski. This volumee is one of the sources for the reading of the Bhagavata text itself.

Catuhsloki-bhashya. Srinivasa Acarya.rnA special feature of this commentary is the inclusion of Srinivas Acharya’s commentary on the the catuhsloki (2.9.30-36). Taken from Haridas Shastri’s undated edition (ca. 1983). Transcription by Jan Brzezinski.

Srimad-bhagavata-maha-purana. In two volumes with Hindi translation. 13th edition. Gorakhpur: Gita Press, 1989.
Original written in: Unknown
Entry added: February 10th 2006
Entry updated: July 22nd 2021
Views: 5432
Downloads: 792
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