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Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu :: 2 - Daksina-vibhaga | Three commentaries :: Rupa Gosvamin
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This second vibhaga is the longest in the BRS. It contains five chapters (or laharis, "waves") covering the following material: vibhava (alambana, visaya, asraya, uddipana) anubhava (This chapter is the shortest in this volume. A far more complete treatment is found in the Ujjvala-nilamani, chapter 11). sattvika vyabhicari-bhavas sthayi-bhavas. This chapter and the commentaries are perhaps the most important in the BRS as a whole.Updates will be made to the DOC mulamatra version of BRS. The previous version of Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu Daksina-vibhaga (file 87) has been deleted. (327 downloads). [Jagat 2006-02-02] --o)0(o-- Source texts
See Purva-vibhaga for publishing details.
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Text version: 1.00 (legend) Keywords: Bhakti, Rasamrita, Sindhu, Rupa, Gosvamin, Three, Commentaries, dakshina, daksina, lahari, Durgama-sangamani, Jiva, Goswami, Artha-ratnalpa-dipika, Mukundadasa, Mukunda, Das, Bhakti-sara-pradarsini, Visvanatha, Cakravartin, chakravarti, vishwanath, vibhava, alambana, visaya, asraya, uddipana, anubhava, sattvika, vyabhicari, sthayi-bhava Further notes
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Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu now complete · Posted by Jagat on March 8th 2006 - 17:09 +0100
The Uttara-vibhaga has just been uploaded, which means that the Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu with three commentaries is now complete. I have also updated the mula-matra version of BRS, reformatting and correcting it, though perhaps not yet as thoroughly as would be hoped.
Important notice · Posted by Jagat on March 1st 2006 - 20:30 +0100
Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu Paschima-vibhaga has now been updated to include the three commentaries. The fourth and last vibhaga will be updated there also in a week or two, so look for it there. It won't show up on the new uploads.