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Sara-sangraha :: Rupa Kaviraja
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A refutation of svakiya-vada and clarifications of various other points of Rupa Gosvamin's philosophy. This text is taken from K.G.Goswami's critical edition (University of Calcutta, 1949).
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Added by: Jagat
Credits: Text version: 1.00 (legend) Keywords: Rupa, Kaviraja, Rupa, Gosvamin, parakiya, rasa, svakiya, vada Further notes
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Important text · Posted by Jagat on July 22nd 2003 - 22:03 +0200
This text is a masterly deconstruction of Jiva Gosvami's svakiya-vada. Due to Rupa Kaviraja's loss of status in the Gaudiya sampradaya, it has been pretty much forgotten. This, along with Radha Krishna Gosvamin's Dasa-sloki-bhasya and Visvanatha Cakravartin's Svakiya-parakiya vicara combine to make a devastating critique of Jiva's position.
I first typed this text out when I was in London, ca. 1990. I had completely forgotten about it when I discovered the disk while cleaning house. A couple of days of concerted correcting and adding the footnotes and voilà , here it is, ready for the world. |