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Sadhana Dipika :: Radhakrishna Dasa Gosvamin

Sadhana Dipika

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This is a useful Gaudiya text from the early 17th century. Radha Krishna Goswami was the mahanta of the Govindaji temple in Vrindavan, and there is some important historical information in this work.

There appear to be many original verses sprinkled throughout it, some of which are either incomplete or corrupt. Some verses are likely quotes, but I haven’t been able to trace them.

I have used Haridas Shastri’s edition (Vrindavan Kalidaha, undated), and have not had access to another. It would be worth finding other manuscripts in order to produce a true critical, or at least more correct edition.

Updated a few things (2004-05-22)
Source texts
Original written in: Unknown
Entry added: May 26th 2003
Entry updated: January 4th 2021
Views: 4748
Downloads: 1155
Other details
Added by: Jagat
Text version: 1.05 (legend)
Keywords: Sadhana, Dipika, Radhakrishna, Dasa, Gosvamin
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Radhakrishna Das Goswami · Posted by Jagat on July 7th 2004 - 04:06 +0200
Little is known about Radhakrishna Goswami the author of Sadhana Dipika and Dasasloki Bhashya other than that he was a disciple of Haridas Goswami (named in the Chaitanya Charitamrita) and his successor as the head priest of the Govindaji temple in Vrindavan. Initiated in the line of Gadadhar Pandit, he glorified him as an incarnation of Radha.